Another shaky day of wondering about being rained out, but it turned into another goregous night for our show. This was a new venue for us and the crowd was fantastic. Many of our loyal followers showed up along with many new faces.
The rain cleared and it turned out to be a gorgeous night along the shores of Reeds Lake at John Collins Park. Good crowd with many familiar faces. Thanks Ben for all the great photos.
The first of our happy hour cruises for the season. Captain Bill and the crew had the Grand Lady in top notch condition and ready to go. Beautiful night and the Grand River was meandering along its chosen path to Lake Michigan.
A Sunday morning performance on the Calder Stage at the festival was a wee bit on the chilly side with a good dose of wind added to the musical mix. Enjoyed performing on the Calder Stage. Short set but got some of our goodies in for the small, but appreciative crowd. One of my 3rd grade students even came to see us.
August 2022
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